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Visit of the newly appointed judges at the Information and Privacy Agency

December 3 2021, Academy of Justice within its Initial Training Program – the program for non-judicial institutions for the newly appointed judges is conducting a training/ visit at the Information and Privacy Agency with trainer Mr. Valon Kryeziu, Director of the Agency.

Purpose of this training is informing the newly appointed judges on activities and legal functions of this institution. Judges had the opportunity to acquaint with the legal framework for protection of privacy and information. This training featured the challenges of this institution in charge for protection of the state data, facing various requests – like the local government - for access, and this way having the possibility for disposal and deletion of the personal data.

The training was delivered in form of conversation where the newly appointed judges jointly with the trainer from the Information and Privacy agency discussed topics of common interest that related to their future work. Beneficiaries of this training are the newly appointed judges (generation 8), two of whom are of the Serbian community.




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