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Visit of the newly appointed judges to the Kosovo Probation Service

December 6 2021, Academy of Justice within its Initial Training Program, respectively its program with non-judicial institutions for the newly appointed judges, is conducting a training/ visit to the Kosovo probation Service. Trainer for this visit is Mrs. Metije Ademi Deputy Director of the Kosovo Probation Service.

The purpose of this training was to familiarize the newly appointed judges with the role, function and responsibilities of the Kosovo Probation Service.

The framework of this training introduced the establishment, organization, and functions of the Kosovo Probation Service. It also covered the activities of the Probation Service, implementation and supervision of the execution of alternative sentences, the reintegration of convicted persons, the supervision and assistance to perpetrators of drug or alcohol addicted crimes, who undergo compulsory rehabilitation treatment, as well as assistance to parolees.

The focus of this training was on the conversation by the judges and on raising social awareness and cooperation with all state authorities for the humanization of the execution of sentences against juveniles.

Beneficiaries of this training are the newly appointed judges (generation 8), two of whom are of the Serbian community.

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