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Training “Protection of children outside biological families”

During 1st and 2nd of July 2014, the KJI in cooperation with Amici dei Bambini organized a two-day training on the topic of “Protection of children outside biological families”.

Purpose of this training was to help establishing a genuine cooperation between the judiciary and the Social welfare centers, in order that decisions taken for children protection are as fair as possible, as well as to enable the participants to familiarize with International Conventions on children protection and with local legislation that regulate this matter.

Local and international trainers elaborated issues pertaining the role of each stakeholder in protection of children outside their biological families, in order to find alternatives for fostering the pending adoption cases, with particular emphasis for children with undetermined status, having in mind the still pending court cases for obtaining the parental right (the acting ability); particularly for children whose parents have psychic drawbacks or similar contests. Also, the children psychiatrist elaborated on the psychological consequences on children whose status is not solved, as well as factors impacting the children psycho-social development.

Part of this training was conducted in working groups through elaboration of some practical cases, where the participants had the chance to demonstrate their knowledge as well as exchange experiences with international trainers regarding establishment of best practices in the aspect of protection of children outside their biological families.

Beneficiaries were judges of basic instances of all regions of Kosovo, a judge from the appeals instance, the SWC officials and UNICEF representatives.

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