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Workshop for preparing bench books on contested procedure and on the criminal procedure

On 17th and 18th of July 2014, the KJI in cooperation with EROL organized a workshop with the experts engaged for drafting the bench books on contested procedure and the criminal procedure.

Purpose of the workshop was to assess and analyze the actual drafts of these bench books, as well as provide recommendation for their complementation and improvement.

Experts of the working groups for drafting the bench books on contested procedure and on the criminal procedure discussed about challenges on the work so far and techniques used during their drafting.

Judge Jim Haines, as an expert in charge for supervision of the bench books drafting process, analyzed and discussed about the actual drafts, recommending the adequate style to follow while preparing a bench book for judges.

Experts agreed on the changes to be made and the timelines for setting the final drafts shall be submitted.

On the first day of the workshop, participants were judges engaged for drafting the bench book on the contested procedure, while on the second day participants were judges engaged for drafting the criminal procedure bench book

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