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The right to liberty and security according to ECHR

On September 16th 2014, the KJI within its Continuous Training program conducted training on “The right to liberty and security according to ECHR”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the participant’s knowledge about application of constitutional and legal provisions as per the ECHR requirements, as well as increase their skills in drafting decisions, including decisions on juveniles, in compliance with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

During this training session the following aspects were elaborated: implementation of the right to liberty and security according to ECHR and applicable legislation of Kosovo, deprivation of liberty, police arrest, detention, juveniles deprivation of liberty and the ECHR practice related to the right on freedom and security.

The training was enriched with case studies judicial practice, with the purpose of learning to avoid problems that occur in judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of all instances. 

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