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Law on trademarks – practical aspects of its implementation

During September 19-20th 2014, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the EU funded project and implemented by the Intellectual Property Rights in Kosovo (EUIPR), conducted a two-days training on the topic of “Law on trademarks – practical aspects of its implementation”.

This training aimed to help the judges to adequately implement the national and international legislation on trademarks and to overcome the challenges that they face in solving these matters.

Content of the training was the local legislation and international legal remedies in the area of trademarks, signs that are protected as trademarks, and legal-civil protection. At this training it was discusses in particular about the procedures for registering the trademark in Kosovo, as well as cases of rejection of this registration.

Training was delivered by international experts who came from different European Union countries who discussed their case law and how concrete cases were solved in their countries.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges for the Basic Courts and the Appeals Court – Economic department, as well as trade mark officials. 

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