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Training of Trainers on International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters

On September 23rd 2014, the KJI in cooperation with the EU twinning project within the scope of activities for future trainers on International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, conducted a next training on the training curricula for the respective area.

Purpose of this training was to prepare the local trainers on ILC and transfer the knowhow and the best practices of International Legal Cooperation to other judges and prosecutors.

At the training German experts suggested the priorities that should be considered by local trainers while delivering ILC trainings for judges and prosecutors. National trainers confirmed their commitment that in their trainings provided to judges and prosecutors they will put efforts on unification of practices in regard to drafting outgoing legal assistance requests in compliance with the standard forms, which due to non-unification so far, have had delays in enforcement by requested authorities.

Besides, other recommendations were provided pertaining to the training methodology, duration and other matters of interest for international legal cooperation.

Beneficiaries of this training were the groups of judges and prosecutors selected to be future trainers at KJI. 

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