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Meeting of experts in the field of training and justice

Within the project "Network of Western Balkans Experts” is conducted a meeting (13 and 14 October), of experts, discussing about the rule of law reform from the perspective of judicial training.

This meeting is being held at the Slovak Academy of Justice which is located in the town Omšenie Slovakia.

The initiative of this meeting is expressed within the Slovak leadership of four Vishegrad countries (V4-Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary).

The main purpose of this meeting is to provide support through expertise of Western Balkan countries during the negotiation process for the integration in the European Union. In particular, the meeting is focused on the field of judicial training and experience of the 4 Vishegrad countries meeting the criteria of chapter 23 and 24.

On this occasion is being discussed the possibilities of support by four Vishegrad countries of Western Balkan and their challenges toward the implementation of reforms in the field of rule of law, especially criminal and civil area.

Participants in the meeting are representatives from training institutions, Ministries of justice as well as criminal and civil experts.

The meeting is also attended by the Director of Kosovo Judicial Institute


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