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Judgments according to Law on Contested Procedure

On 24 October 2014, Kosovo Judicial Institution organized training for judges on civil area “Judgments according to Law on Contested Procedure”

The purpose of this training was to help participants evaluate the circumstances for proper decision taking, to apply properly the provisions relating to issuance of judgments in and out of the hearing session and to analyze the evidences in order to argue the decision.

The content of this training was: judgments and its conditions, types of judgments, the content of judgments, issuing of a judgment in and out of the hearing session, deciding of on procedural aspects (types of decisions).

This training was focused on the content of the training, legal requirements for issuing a judgment in and out of the court hearing session, assessment of facts based on the evidence administered in reasoning of the judgment and enforcement of legal material provisions, the factual state.

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