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Workshop – unification of the case law in criminal matters

December 20-22 2021, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program in cooperation with OSCE is conducting a workshop, conducted in-person, on Unification of the case law in criminal matters.

Experts engaged in this training are Mr. Enver Peci, Supreme Court President, Mr. Agim Maliqi Supreme Court Judge, Mr. Afrim Shala, Acting President of the Appellate Court, And Mr. Avni Mehmeti, Judge in the Basic Court in Mitrovica.

Purpose of this workshop is through decisions of the case law to identify challenges, issues and implementation of the law and non-unified practice in all court instances.

Workshop methodology is an interactive discussion, presentation of issue through cases, discussion on cases and summary of conclusions on the discussed issue.

Beneficiaries of this training are Supreme Court Judges, appeals Court and Judges of the Basic Instance.

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