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Meeting with representatives from the US Federal Mediation and Reconciliation Service (FMCS)

On March 14, 2022, the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice hosted representatives of the US Federal Mediation and Reconciliation Service (FMCS).

This meeting came as a result of the initiative organized for the recruitment of trainers in the field of Mediation by the Academy of Justice and the US Federal Mediation and Reconciliation Service (FMCS), supported and funded by the Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) at the US Embassy.

The purpose of the training program in the field of Mediation is the continuous effort of AJ to improve the quality of mediation services in Kosovo.

The Academy of Justice is pleased to welcome within the 2-week period, from March 14, 2022 to March 25, 2022, experts from the United States of America, Mr. Peter Swandon, Mrs. Emily Rife and Mr. David Moora, who will be responsible for interviewing and selecting candidates for training in the field of Mediation within the Academy of Justice.

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