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Executive Director of the Academy of Justice welcomed Prof. Dr. Ismet Salihu in a meeting

April 6 2022, The Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, Enver Fejzullahu, had the pleasure to receive in a cordial meeting the honored professor Prof. Dr. Ismet Salihu.

In this meeting, Prof. Dr. Ismet Salihu donated to the Executive Director of AD a copy of his newly published work with encyclopedic dimension "Lexicon of Criminal Law", emphasizing that it is the first of its kind in Kosovo, which is dedicated to students of law faculties, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other jurists who in their professional work need information in the field of criminal law.

On this occasion, Mr. Fejzullahu thanked the esteemed professor for donating this Lexicon, but also for his extraordinary many years of contribution to the legal sciences in general and in the justice system in Kosovo, appreciating the Lexicon as a valuable resource for judges, prosecutors and other judicial professionals. working in law enforcement institutions.

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