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Disruption of Public Order and Peace

May 12 2022, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program is conducting training on the following topic Disruption of Public Order and Peace”.

Trainers engaged for this activity are: Ms. Biljana Rexhiq Trainer at the Academy of Justice and Ms. Mejreme Zekaj also trainer at the Academy of Justice.

Purpose of this training was to extend the participants knowledge on distinctions between Article 4 and 5 of the LPPO, as well as the difference between non-compliance with the order of the authorized official person - Article 16 LPPO, and the minor offense - failure to act according to the order of the official authorized person in the field of road traffic.

Training methodology sis combination of theoretical presentations and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Judges of the Appeals Court and from the Basic Court from all regions of Kosovo.

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