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Report on “Training of Trainers – Learning Plan preparation”

During December 2-5 2014, under the auspices of the US Department of Justice, Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT) and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affaires, in cooperation with the Croatian Ministry of Justice, a training of trainers was organized on the topic of “Preparing the learning plan” which took place in Dubrovnik.

Purpose of this program was to empower institutions and trainers in charge of training other professionals, to develop strategic plans, prepare learning program and use of adults learning methodologies to develop and effective and sustainable training program.

This training included very interesting and important topics for upgrading training capacities in the judicial field like: preparing training curriculums, improving presentation skills, techniques of drafting and using power point presentations, engaging the audience, transfer of knowledge and many other issues of particular interest for trainers work.

A significant part of this training was focused on trainer’s presentation skills, having each of the participants present during these three training days on a selected topic from Articles 2-6 of the ECHR, giving emphasis to the introduction speech of the trainer, presenting the content and engagement of the participants on training. Each presentation was followed by feedback from members of the group with the purpose of improving presentation level.

This training was attended by representatives of regional countries. Kosovo was represented by judges, prosecutors, lawyers, KJI Program Coordinator and Manager of the Victim Protection Office within the Office of Prime Minister.


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