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Training of Trainers – “Judicial training implementation methodology”

During December 4-6 2014, the KJI in cooperation with UNDP conducted a training of trainers on the topic of “Judicial training implementation methodology”.

Focus of this training was introduction and demonstration of adult learning methods, refreshing the methodology of drafting learning objectives, including preparation of training agendas and development of the training methodology form.

Within the scope of adult learning, the main features, theories, motivations and obstacles of adult learning were elaborated. Particular analysis was made on “the Kolb’s learning Style” which presented the stages of adult learning and styles that derive from them. Participants, through respective tests, were acquainted with their learning style and were also introduced with interactive learning methods which correspond with each learning style.

With regard to drafting training objectives, beneficiaries were informed about different levels of training objectives and particularly with active verbs that belong to each level.

Relying on the obtained knowledge, participants in the second part of the training were engaged in drafting training agendas and forms.

Beneficiaries of this training were KJI trainers who will be delivering training at KJI during the period of January- April 2015.

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