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ITP candidates training in General Auditor’s Office

On 27 February 2015, KJI in cooperation with General Auditor’s Office conducted a training for the candidates of Initial Training Program fifth generation.

This training intended to inform participants with role and function of General Auditor’s Office, as well as cooperation and the level of transparency of this institution with justice entities.

The focus of this training were statutory and non- statutory audits, both these forms which in different ways support accountability in the expenditure of budget process; audit reports and recommendations on how to improve internal governance, financial management and controls; as well as other issues related to work and the challenges faced by auditors and that are of interest to candidates which will affect the improvement of skills in implementing their powers in the future.

The training was conducted interactively, where candidates had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues of interest to their work.

Beneficiaries of this training were 16 candidates for judges 11 candidates for prosecutor of Initial Training Program.

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