News and Activities - Archive


Request for dismissal of indictment

On 3 March 2015, KJI in close cooperation with OSCE conducted a training on: “Request for dismissal of indictment”

The purpose of the training was to establish best practices in terms of preparing the indictment and securing the earliest evidence so that the defendant has the possibility of preparing a legal challenge to the evidence or request a dismissal of indictment.

On this training was discussed and addressed the first hearing (initial review) and second hearing (second review) according to CPCK, grounds for dismissal of indictment as well as practical cases of submission of applications and judicial decisions.

During the training were discussed and raised many issues such as confession by one of the coo-perpetrator and will that be accepted by the court, should the court issue a judgment for dismissal of indictment or decision for dismissal of indictment and other issues and examples presented to the participants.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors, lawyers, students and interns of court and prosecutors office from Peja region

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