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Initial hearing and second hearing

On 03 February 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within continues training program conducted training for judges and prosecutors on: “Initial hearing and second hearing”.

This training aimed to advance judges and prosecutors for proper application of relevant legal provisions and improving interpretation of those provisions regarding initial hearing and second hearing.

During this session were elaborated initial and second hearing with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of criminal procedure and action taken for better development of initial and second hearing

It was also discussed the role of the judge and the state prosecutor during the initial and second hearing as well as legal timelines for conducting them.

Issues raised by the trainers for discussion were: how to act in cases where during the initial hearing several defendants plead guilty, while others don’t, summoning or not of injured party in the hearing and cases where the initial and second hearing should be held

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level 

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