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Establishment and termination of servitudes

On 12 February 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted a training for judges on: “Establishment and termination of servitudes”.

The purpose of this training was to advance professional the knowledge of participants in order to differentiate the modes of establishment and termination of servitudes, apply properly legal provisions and decide properly according lawsuits for court protection.

The training focused on elaboration of challenges and solutions that provide legal theory and solutions that are provided in domestic law, namely the Law on Ownership and Other Real Rights.

During the training was treated the contract for the establishment of servitude and measurement criteria for determining the remuneration of servitude if the right of contracting is regulates by compensation, grounds for establishing servitudes and principles of servitudes. Among other issues were also discussed types of servitudes, legal protection and two ways of determining real servitude.

The difference between real and personal servitude, portioning of dominated and subservient plot were some of the issues discussed during the training.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic court and professional associates.

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