News and Activities - Archive


Workshop on Drafting the Training of Trainers Program

On 18 - 20 February 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with EROL/USAID program organized a workshop for development of training of trainers program.

The purpose of this workshop was to re-design KJI ToT program within the frame of development of training methodology and advanced techniques for judicial training.

During this workshop were discussed trainers competencies aiming to be developed within the KJI objectives in advancing training methodology as well as topics included in this program.

Among the topics addressed at the workshop were also: teaching of adults, differences and leadership, how to teach – application of experimental learning theory in training of trainers as well as the institutionalization of change - what should be done to ensure sustainability.

Participants in this workshop were: KJI Director and Coordinator, Head of CTP, two KJI trainers and EROL expert. 

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