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Financial reporting

On 17 March 2015, KJI in cooperation with Commercial Legislation Program CLE/USAID, organized a training for judges on: “Financial reporting”.

The purpose of this training was to deepen the judges’ knowledge on application of international accounting standards and international financial reporting standards in practical application in Kosovo. Also as a training goal was to be acquainted with knowledge on regulation of financial reporting and interpretation of financial statements.

During this training were elaborated national legislation with particular emphasis on Law on Accounting, Financial Reporting and Auditing which regulates the accounting and financial reporting in Kosovo, the need for harmonization with international standards of accounting and financial reporting in order to property introduce the financial statements. In this context, were treated main issues such as financial reporting which helps litigations and business transactions, responsibility of financial reporting and analyzing tools for reviewing financial statements of a company in order for them to be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable.

The training was conducted through interactive discussions where judges treated issues and challenges faced by them in judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were civil judges of the Supreme Court and judges of Basic Court in Pristina – commercial department.

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