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Training of ITP Candidates in Kosovo Police

On March 31st 2015, KJI in cooperation with Kosovo Police conducted training for candidates of the fifth generation of the Initial Training Program.

Purpose of this training was to acquaint the candidates with the work and activities of KP, according to respective fields. Knowledge obtained from this institution will serve the candidates in practicing their profession, improve the work quality and increase cooperation between law enforcement agencies.

At this training, Senior Officials of different KP Departments informed the candidates with the legal grounds and organizational structure of KP, role of policies, types of investigation, international cooperation in the law enforcement area, increase of capacities, as well as challenges that KP faces and which relate to the work of judges and of prosecutors in particular, with a focus on deficiencies occurring in practice when applying the Criminal Code and the Criminal procedure Code, which impact effectiveness of KP.

This training was highly interactive, in which case the candidates for judges and prosecutors had the opportunity to ask about topics focused in this training.

Beneficiaries of this training were 15 candidates for judges and 11 candidates for prosecutors from the Initial Training Program. 

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