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Property and its protection

On 10 March 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted a training for judges of civil field on: “Property am its protection”.

This training aimed to address inherited problems in protecting the property and help participating judges to develop professionally the procedures pursuant to the applicable laws pertaining to protection of property.

This training focused on issues of amendments and reforms of the respective legislation and protection of property as a fundamental human right protected by national legislation and international Conventions. In this occasion was discussed Protocol 1 of the European Convention on Protection of Human Rights and freedoms, providing that any natural or legal person has the right on his/her property.

In this context were addressed the meaning, conditions and procedures for acquisition of property, powers and limitations of the owner, neighboring rights as an unlawful right and types of lawsuits.

The training was conducted through short presentations, discussions and case law examples where participants were committed in solving cases and situations that usually occur in practice regarding the procedures before the courts.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of Appellate Court and Judges of Basic Court.

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