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Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media

On June 1-2 2022, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EU Twinning Project JUFREX, within its Continuous Training Program is conducting a roundtable on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media.

Panelists engaged in this roundtable are: Ms. Frosina Sylejmani judge in the Appellate Court, Ms. Flutura Kusari, the CoE expert, and Mr. Imer Mushkolaj journalist from the Press Council of Kosovo.

Purpose of this roundtable is wo increase the legal professional’s capacities in implementing the European standards in the area of the freedom of expression.

This two-days roundtable will elaborate on the following: Defamation and protection of reputation (domestic legal framework and court cases), strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), the role of the Kosovo Press Council and the Independent Media Commission in protecting reputation.

The roundtable methodology is combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussion through presentation of practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this roundtable are: prosecutors of the basic instance, professional associates, police officers and lawyers from different regions of Kosovo.

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