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Crimes against sexual integrity of children

June 9-10 2002, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program is conducting a hybrid training on Crimes against sexual integrity of children.

Trainers engaged in this training are Ms. Nesrin Lushta - Supreme Court judge and Mr. Kujtim Munishi, Chief prosecutor in the Basic Prosecution in Prishtina.

Purpose of this training is to extend the participants knowledge on main features of crimes against sexual integrity of children.

In this two-days training the following is elaborated: Sexual harassment of minors; Rape; General principles to be respected as well as procedural actions to be taken when dealing with a child victim of crimes against sexual integrity; Interrogation of the injured child when s/he is a victim of the criminal offense against sexual integrity.

Training methodology is combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions through presentation of practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are prosecutors of the juvenile department and professional associates.

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