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Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Media

On June 21-22, 2022, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the European Union Project JUFREX in the framework of the Continuous Training Program is conducting a roundtable on "Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media".

Panelists engaged in this roundtable are: Mrs. Habibe Salihu, Deputy in the Special Prosecution of Kosovo, Mrs. Flutura Kusari, Council of Europe expert, Ms. Saranda Ramaj, journalist at Koha Group, Mr. Agron Haziri, coordinator for cases of attacks against journalists, Kosovo Police and Mr. Imer Mushkolaj, executive director at the Kosovo Press Council.

The purpose of this Roundtable is to increase the capacity of legal professionals to implement International and European standards in the field of freedom of expression.

During these two days at this table will be treated; Defamation and protection of reputation (domestic legal framework and court cases), strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), the role of the Kosovo print media council and independent media commission in protection of the reputation.

The methodology of the roundtable is of a combined character with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions while also presenting practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this Roundtable are: judges and prosecutors from the Basic level, professional associates, police officers and lawyers.

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