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Meeting with mentors of the newly appointed prosecutors – generation IX

On July 4, 2022, the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice hosted the mentors of the newly appointed prosecutors of the IX generation.

The purpose of the meeting was to inform the mentors of the initial training program to which the newly appointed prosecutors will undergo, on their activities and commitments during mentoring phase, the division of tasks and responsibilities, and final evaluation. It was also reiterated that the commitment and responsibility for the implementation of this training phase must be on the highest level on the part of the mentors. Likewise, the prosecutors appointed as mentors were informed in detail about the organization of the practical training, where this part of the training is carried out in the respective prosecutor's offices where the newly appointed prosecutors are also appointed.

In the 9th generation of newly appointed prosecutors, 6 mentors/prosecutors have been appointed, assigned to support the practical training which will be carried out in the relevant basic prosecution and will last for a period of one (1) year 2022/2023.

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