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Official commencement of the Initial Training Program for newly appointed judges (generation nine)

July 15 2022, Academy of Justice after the decree of the newly appointed judges of the ninth generation commenced the implementation of the Initial Training Program and in this case held the first meeting with newly appointed judges marking the official commencement of the Initial Training Program for 2022/ 2023.

In the introductory speech, the opening of this meeting was made by the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, Mr. Enver Fejzullahu in which occasion he initially congratulated the judges for their appointment and the journey of the new task, to continue further with the announcement of the role and importance of the initial training for their further professional preparation and the advancement of knowledge. The newly appointed judges were informed about the structure of the training and the methodology of the realization of the training. Mr. Fejzullahu emphasized the continuous support during the one-year journey for the newly appointed judges in order for the initial training to be complete and profitable for the new judges.

Thanking the Chairman of the Judicial Council of Kosovo for his presence in this meeting, Chairman Zogaj once again congratulated the judges for their new position, wishing them successful work but also mentioning the challenges that will await them. Mr. Zogaj also expressed the support of the KJC and the Academy as well as encouraged the newly appointed judges for maximum dedication and commitment in order to adequately prepare them to exercise the function of a judge in a fair and professional manner.

The newly appointed judges were also addressed by Mr. Vilard Bytyqi President of the Training Committee congratulating them and wishing them successful path. He also highlighted the fact that they should be proud since they come as from a process with integrity and merit-based which was the best example of the institution with an independent power as KJC.

At the conclusion, the new judges were addressed by Head of the Initial Training Program Mrs. Valmira Pefqeli who presented detailed information about the program, the ways of organizing of the theoretical and practical training in respective courts where they are appointed, as well as about the visits to non-judicial institutions based on competence of the Initial Training program. Mrs. Pefqeli also emphasized the importance of assessment during the training which is important for the judge’s performance.

The newly appointed judges are equipped with documents of the ITP like: Regulation on the Initial Training Program, the Initial Training Program and the Training Calendar for July 2022.

The initial training (2022/2023) will be attended by 48 newly appointed judges, of which 3 are from the Serbian community. Judges are appointed in 6 branches of the basic level and all sub-branches of the courts of Kosovo, in this generation the judges will carry out the training divided into two groups, where one group will start the training with the criminal field to continue with the civil one while the other group with civil law to continue later with the criminal one.

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