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Covert technical measures of surveillance and investigations

On 01 April 2015, Kosovo Judicial within CTP program conducted training on: “Covert technical measures of surveillance and investigations”.

This training aimed to assist participants in dealing with legal framework which defines the procedure for issuing covert and technical measures of surveillance and investigation, assessing conditions for issuing these measures, drafting orders for implementation of these measures and the content of application for such orders.

During this training was treated importance of these measures and their implementation in practice, persons authorized to issue these measures, types of measures and stages of the investigation during which they can be authorized.

In this context, were elaborated the competences of police, state prosecutors and pretrial judge.

Other issues discussed during the training were criminal report of the officer who applies such measure to the pretrial judge and his written response, use of transcripts as evidences in the preliminary procedure, selection of intercepted materials, and use of only those materials related the issued order.

On this occasion was emphasized the need for sophisticated equipment which will enable a successful implementation of the aforementioned measures.

The training methodology contained a combination of theory with practical cases, aiming to establish a unified case law in this area.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level.

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