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Training for ITP candidates at Kosovo Constitution Court

On 8 April 2015, KJI in cooperation with Constitution Court conducted a training for candidates of the Initial Training Program.

This training aimed to inform candidates with the work of Constitutional Court and its functions in relation to the ordinary courts, in which case the knowledge gained will serve them on their professional practice.

Constitutional Court legal advisers, during the training informed the candidates about the role of Constitutional Court's and (legislative, executive and judiciary), processing of applications, decision making and effects of curt decisions.

A special attention was paid to Article 113.7 and 113.8 of the Constitution that deals with the parties, reviewing the decisions of public authorities in relation to Chapter II of Constitution, review of the contested acts in relation with Constitution, and valuation criteria

The training was very interactive, where the candidates for judges and prosecutors had the opportunity to discuss topics important for them. 

Beneficiaries of this training were 15 ITP candidates for judges 11 for prosecutors.

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