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Training on court management

On 1-3 April 2015, KJI in cooperation with EU funded project “Further support to legal education reform in Kosovo” conducted a second round of training on “Court management”.

This training aimed to teach participants how to improve their leadership style, to deepen their knowledge on understanding rhetorical manner of communication and negotiation, how to use performance agreements as an instrument for planning and motivation how to structure the performance review in an optimal way, how performance agreement, review and feedback exchange of information supplement each-other in delegation processes, as well as to improve decision taking in a fair and transparent evaluation process.

For three days, this training was focused on active listening, Target agreements using SMART agreement, motivation, good conditions and motivation demotivation factors, annual meetings, positive and negative sides of meetings and interview stages of the assessment.

After each theoretical part, participants were divided in working groups where they had to play roles depending on the addressed topics.

Beneficiaries of the training were judges, prosecutors, KJC and KPC officials as well as court administrators.

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