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Kosovo Judicial Institute, hosted the visit of delegation from Turkish Justice Academy

On 30 March until 01 April 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute hosted the visit of delegation from Turkish Academy of Justice, representatives from State Council as well as judges and prosecutors of highest level of turkey judiciary.  

The delegation conducted meetings with the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Kosovo, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, the Minister of Justice and Minister of Public Administration of Kosovo. In these meetings was discussed about the support that will be provided by Justice Academy in constructing a new building for the Kosovo Judicial Institute. During this delegation was also discussed regarding transformation of the Judicial Institute onto Justice Academy.

The delegation met also with the President of Supreme Court, Acting Chief State Prosecutor, Head of Kosovo Judicial Council, and Kosovo Judicial Institute Director. The topic of discussion was professional mutual cooperation so far in the field of justice in which the parties expressed their readiness to continue further cooperation in strengthening the Kosovo judicial system.

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