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Evidences, their admissibility

On 21 April 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within CTP conducted a training on: “Evidences, their admissibility”.

This training aimed to enhance professional capacities of judges and prosecutors regarding the way of ensuring evidences in preliminary investigation procedure, the efficiency of the prosecutor in filing the indictment and the judge during the assessment and decision making.  

During the training were addressed legal provisions regulating this field, differences between admissible and inadmissible evidences, legal requirements foreseen to make an evidence as inadmissible and procedure for declaring an evidence as inadmissible before and after filing the indictment, as well as cases when the claim should be supported by other evidence.

The training was followed by elaboration of forms of decisions for declaring and evidence as inadmissible and the right to appeal against the decision, objection of evidence and their review during the hearing as well as the deadline for appeal.

The training methodology was combined by theoretical lectures and the practical judicial cases, where judges and prosecutors discussed the topics of the training.

Beneficiaries of this training were and prosecutors of basic and appellate level.

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