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Criminal procedure including persons with mental disabilities

On April 23rd 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within its CTP conducted training on the topic of “Criminal procedure involving perpetrators with mental disorders”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance professional skills of judges and prosecutors in correct implementation of specific procedures in cases involving criminal perpetrators with mental disorders, as well as understanding conditions for these people’s ability to undergo trial.

This training’ work focused on treating legal framework that regulates this area, terms for imposing measures for mandatory psychiatric treatment, then custody in the health care institution, and mandatory psychiatric treatment in liberty, and the non unified practices in drafting judgments for imposing the aforementioned measures.

In this light, the psychiatric examination by the expert was elaborated, purpose of this examination and stages for issuing the order for psychiatric examination, in which case it was emphasized the unsatisfactory level of expertise prepared by experts.

Detention and special conditions that have to be met in order to impose detention to persons with mental disorders were topics discussed by the participants.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors form the juvenile, the general and the serious crimes

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