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Review of the Kosovo Judicial Institute’s Annual Report of 2014 by the Committee on Legislation, Mandates, Immunities, Rules of Procedure of the Assembly and Oversight of Anti-Corruption Agency

On April 28 2015, the Committee on Legislation, Mandates, Immunities, Rules of Procedure of the Assembly and Oversight of Anti-Corruption Agency of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo reviewed the Kosovo Judicial Institutes Annual Report for 2014.

Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute presented a brief summary on activities that took place, achievements and challenges of KJI in 2014. KJI Director emphasized the report of continuous training for judges, prosecutors and administrative staff of courts and prosecutorial offices, initial training of candidates for judges and prosecutors, the needs assessment system, enhancement of training methodology etc. While the section of challenges occurring in 2014 emphasized drafting and implementation of training programs, insufficient budget, coordination of participation, research and publications program, etc.

In this case, the Committee assessed the KJI report as well detailed and members of the committee asked for clarifications, particularly about the level of trainings, assessment, their impact on the judges and prosecutors work, process of needs assessment and constituency of KJI trainers. To all questions addressed to the Judicial Institute, the Director responded in detailed and professional manner and always referring to all the most up to date experiences developed by JI for both the training programs, and training needs assessment, as well as for the system of trainer’s selection. 

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