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Asylum Law – National and International Legislation

On 14 May 2015, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with UNHCR conducted training on: "Asylum Law – National and International Legislation”.

The purpose of this training was to deepen the knowledge and cooperation between relevant institutions which somehow are related to asylum, recognizing the characteristics of Kosovo asylum law and its relation with the international convention on asylum.

Initially during the training was elaborated the international refugee law and international standards with the emphasis on UN Convention on Refugees of 1951, on which occasion the participants were informed regarding the obligations and the fundamental rights of refugees, as well as the role of UNHCR in protection of refugees.

The next phase of the training was focused mainly on domestic legislation in particular the Kosovo Law on Asylum, as well as other bylaws regulating this field. In this regard were discussed the asylum rights under domestic legislation, procedures on how to handle a request for asylum, conditions for suspension of this procedure as well as termination of the asylum right.

Final phase of the training focused on the initiation of administrative conflict to the right of asylum, the procedure and the role of parties in administrative dispute to the right of refugee and appeal procedure at first and second instance. In this regard they were also treated extraordinary legal remedies regarding the decision of the second instance.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic and appellate level, an official from the Ministry of Internal Affairs department for citizenship, asylum and migration, officials from the Ministry for Returns and Communities and representatives of various NGOs.

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