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Annual Conference of the Council of Europe’s Program for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP)

Kosovo Judicial Institute participated in the annual conference on the topic of “Interactions between legal and other professionals in human rights training” organized by the European Council Program for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) which was held on June 4-5 2015 in Strasbourg.

This conference was addressed by the Head of the Council of Ministers, general Secretary of the Council of Europe, President for the European Court on Human Rights, and other representatives of the CE Departments, whose main focus was on identification of challenges and opportunities of interaction between legal professionals with the purpose of organizing joint continuous trainings.

All the discussion lead to finding that role of training institutions to the increase of professional cooperation between legal professionals and other professionals is crucial, and it requires that these institutions act with persistence as third parties between these professionals, with the purpose of improving their work which contributes to application of human rights for the fact that good trainings mean good judicial decisions. 

The multi-disciplinary approach in developing training programs and inclusion of other professionals is very challenging for training institutions; therefore this conference’s aim is to overcome these challenges.

While working in groups, the participants had the possibility to provide their contribution in identifying main challenges, identify the needs for inclusion of the HELP Program Training Curricula, propose the training format as well as identify challenges and needs for training of other professionals in relation with legal professionals on the following topics: legal professionals and bioethics, legal professionals and the media, legal professional and the asylum and refugees, as well as legal professionals and fight against ill-treatment.

The conference presented the HELP Program work, the developed curriculums, training courses developed and organized in different countries, training on training methodology including the distance training (e-learning) and it was required that these curriculums are incorporated in the national curriculums for training of legal professionals and other professionals of each state participating in the conference. 


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