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Highest anti-discrimination standards

On June 10 2015, within the CTP the Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the Council of Europe Office in Prishtina conducted a training on “Highest anti-discrimination standards”.

Purpose of this training was extension of theoretical and practical knowledge that relate to correct implementation and uniform interpretation of anti-discrimination legislation in Kosovo, and in compliance with the European and international standards, in order to guarantee better protection of discrimination victims.

An international expert presented initially, who focused mainly on the ECtHR case law related to discrimination as treating with prejudice. Important part in his presentation were practical cases which he presented in form of tasks for participating judges and prosecutors related to identification of discriminatory elements.

In the afternoon session, the work focused on elaboration of the legal framework and national institutional structure for protection from discrimination, identification and effective investigation of hatred crimes against LGBT community members, in which case it was emphasized the need for efficient cooperation between judges, prosecutors, police officers and other social stakeholders for protection of this community.

The training was delivered in interactive discussion in which case the judges and participating prosecutors raised questions and discussions related to the topics in focus of the training.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic and the appellate instances, basic instance prosecutors as well as officials of the Ministry of Justice. 

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