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Law implementation for Kosovo citizenship, procedures for acquiring citizenship

On June 9th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with UNCHR conducted a training on the topic of “Law implementation for Kosovo citizenship, procedures for acquiring citizenship”.

Purpose of this training was a contribution in registering and avoiding practical problems about legal uncertainties for ways of acquiring the citizenship, losing, reacquiring, and other issues that relate to citizenship.

Initially, the international legal framework for persons without citizenship was elaborated, in particular the European Convention on Citizenship, Convention on decrease of cases of statelessness and Convention on status of statelessness persons.

Other stage of this training was mainly focused on elaboration of national legislation related to nationality with particular emphasis on provisions of the Law on Kosovo citizenship, which relate to regulation of ways for acquiring, loss and regaining the citizenship in the Republic of Kosovo.

The final part of the training elaborated on procedures for obtaining and losing the citizenship and timelines for reviewing requests and complaints according to the Law on Citizenship.  It was also discussed about initiation of the administrative dispute for citizenship and timelines for filing and submitting the indictment, legal remedies in administrative disputes and complaints in the judicial administrative procedure.

The training was delivered in interactive method, in which case participants addressed practical problems and needs for relevant institutional cooperation that in some way relate to the citizenship.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Appeals court – administrative departments, judges of basic courts, MIA-CAMD and officials from CPRK. 

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