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Bangalore principles of judicial conduct, the meaning and implementation

On 16 June 2015, KJI in cooperation with OSCE conducted training on: “Bangalore principles of judicial conduct, meaning and implementation”.

This training was a continuation of the session held in April this year, where were treated a Code of Conduct for judges, legal framework, international and national practices.

The purpose of the training was to present the principles of Bangalore which aim to establish standards for ethical conduct of judges, which will be part of the new Code of Ethics for Judges, including amendments to be added in this code.

During this training were highlighted values such as: Independence, Impartiality, Integrity, correctness, inequality, competence and diligence. On this occasion were presented case studies, which through working groups were identified the ethical violations according to these principles.

This training will continue also in September, where will serve as a forum for identification of issues relating to Bangalore principles that are not included in actual code of ethics, in order to come up with recommendations for amending and supplementing the new code.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, lawyers and professional associates of Gjilani region.

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