News and Activities - Archive


Workshop “Strategic orientation planning“

On 18-21 June 2015, KJI organized a workshop with staff who deal with the leadership, planning, coordination and managining of KJI, as well as all other administrative and training activities.

The aim of the workshop was to assess the work of KJI for 2014, challenges and commitments for 2015. In this context were presented developments and challenges that have characterized KJI programs and proposals for overcoming them. It was also discussed the possibility to involve other professionals in KJI training programs with the purpose of enhancing training methodology.

Futher more, were analyzed current KJI bylaws, the need for amendments and possibility of issuing other acts. Another issue discussed during the workshop was the importance of working with donor’s coordination and the possibility to benefit from them for better performance of KJI activities.

Based on presentations of the participants and the conclusions drawn, was drafted a KJI work plan for July - December 2015.

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