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Resilient leadership

On June 1st and 2nd 2014, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with USAID EROL accomplished a training on the topic of “Resilient leadership”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance knowledge of participating judges and prosecutors on stress giving factors that are common in judiciary, as well as identification of facing strategies and protective processes from stress, towards the aim of creating a resilient leadership.

This training presented concepts for developing a sustainable leadership, dimensions of the healthy balance of mind and soul that occur as truly necessary in the judicial system, including the stress management strategies, identification of risk factors and psychic understanding for sustainable change of behavior.

Methodology of this training was in the form of interactive debate and practical exercises, in which case participants identified the degree of stress in their lives, their strengths and areas of growth for a healthy balance of mind, body and soul.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance. 

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