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Use of rights in the proceeding and disrespecting the court

On June 18th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within its CTP conducted the training on the topic of “Use of rights in the proceeding and disrespecting the court”.

This training aimed enhancing the skills related to conducting contested procedure professionally and efficiently as well as impact positively on the work of courts related to respecting the rights of parties in the proceeding and respecting the court by the parties and other participants in the proceeding.

This training elaborated practical problems that courts face in cases of conducting contested procedure, principles and rules of this proceeding, the rights and obligations of parties that impede the courts integrity and authority. In this aspect, in cases when the parties and other participants in the proceeding misuse their rights, the training elaborated court actions with the purpose of disciplining them as well as legal consequences they carry in these cases.

The training was delivered through interactive discussions by participating judges, who discussed and raised issues from the actual case law, which are considered of interest for successful performance of their work.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic instance. 

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