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Induction course / second module for administrative staff of prosecution offices

On 22-24 June 2015, KJI in cooperation with EU founded project “Further support to Legal Education Reform” EULER II, conducted training on induction course – second module – for administrative staff of prosecution offices.

The purpose of this training was to further continue working on increasing the administrative staff of prospection offices, professional capacity building, and increasing service quality of administrative staff

During the threes of induction training course - second module – were treated the following topics: introduction of the work of courts and prosecution, the structure, charts, categories of administrative staff and their rights and obligations as well as internal and external communication including teamwork.

On the second day were treated main rules and regulations for managing the flow of materials, presentation of the types of records and documents maintained by the administrative staff, rules and samples. On the third day, were emphasized the work specifications in criminal and administrative matters, types of cases, court proceedings and court hearings, court proceedings and the corresponding duties of administrative personnel, delivering summons and deadlines.

After each theoretical part, the training was characterized by working groups.

Beneficiaries of this training were 41 various officials of prosecution offices and legal advisors, victim advocates, financial officials, archive officials and IT, clerks and interpreters.

At the end of this training to the participants were distributed certificates.

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