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Publication of Bench books for the Criminal and Contested Procedures

On August 12th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with USAID published the Bench Books on Criminal and Contested Procedures.

The Bench Books for judges of the criminal procedure and contested procedure aims to help them in their work, providing detailed practical instructions for correct application of the law in judicial proceedings. These Bench Books will help particularly the new judges, at the same time being very useful for experienced judges as well, serving as a reminder for routine procedures, provide suggestions for solving complex cases or help in new situations of judicial practice. 

At the bench Book publication Ceremony the present ones were addressed with speeches from Mr. Ymer Hoxha - President of the KJI Managing Board, Mrs. Sara Buchanan - USAID representative, Mr. Hajredin Kuçi – Minister of Justice, Mr. Enver Peci – Chairman of the Kosovo Judicial Council, and Mr. Alexander Lumezi State Chief Prosecutor.

Also, Mr. Bashkim Hyseni – President of Basic Court in Ferizaj and Mr. Albert Zogaj – Judge in the Appeals Court on behalf of the authors presented on importance of the Bench Books for practical work of judges.

The speakers assessed these Bench Books will help the judges in their daily work, will make it easier to take decisions in certain cases and also present a good resource of efficient management of their cases. 

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