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Specialized Training Program for Kosovo Prosecutors – Session I

On 03-04 September 2015, KJI within the Continuous Training Program implemented the first training session on “Specialized Training Program for Kosovo Prosecutors”. 

The purpose ofthis sessionconsistedindeveloping knowledge of judges, prosecutorsand other stakeholdersinthisfield, in terms ofknowing andapplying in practice the proceduresandphases ofpublicprocurement.

As part of the first session were treated: procurement planning as the first step in the procurement process, the advantages of procurement planning and disadvantages of not having a plan, notification indicative and scope of delivery of the plan in the Central Procurement Agency (CPA).

Alsowere elaboratedthe technicalspecificationsasacorrectstatementin which caseit was emphasizedthe importance ofpreparationand content oftechnicalspecification. The next phaseofthis sessionfocused onthe treatmentof the tender dossier, submission of tenders, publicopening, and the clarificationof tenders, establishment of evaluationcommittees, stagesandbid evaluationcriteriaandrecommendationofthe winningoperator.

The training was interactively developed and the participants had the opportunity to discussandraisetheirdilemmas andproblemsencountered in practice.

Within thePublic ProcurementTraining Programwill be held alsothesecondsession.
Beneficiaries ofthis trainingwere judges, prosecutors, officials fromthe FinancialIntelligenceUnit, Customs Service, Tax Administration andthe Anti-CorruptionAgency.

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