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European Standards on Human Rights for Protection of whistle-blowers

On 01 September 2015 within the Continuous Training Program, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with Thomson Foundation organizes a training on: “European Standards on Human Rights on Protection of whistle-blowers”.

This training aimed to advance professional knowledge of beneficiaries on national legislation and European standards on whistler-blowers suspicious as well as irregularities in public and private institutions. 

Initially two journalists presented their experiences on reporting misuses and irregularities in public institutions, challenges of their professional work, dealing with impunity and public denunciation, furthermore the training continued with the presentation of the international expert.   

Within this program will be elaborated the national legislation, legal protection according to ECHR and European standards for whistle-blowers suspicious of abuse and irregularities in public and private institutions. The training will provide an analysis of lessons learned from major cases of denunciations on 2014-2015. 

 Beneficiaries of this training are judges and prosecutors of basic and appellate instances.

During this training, also were elaborated the Law on Protection of Whistle-Blowers, legal protection according to ECHR and its case law. During the last part of the training, participants were divided into working groups where they had work on a practical case for whistle-blowers classification criteria.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors, lawyers, officers from print media in Kosovo, Independent Media Council.

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