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Enforcement of judicial decisions under exclusive competence of courts and enforcement of foreign decisions

On September 17 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted training on the following topic “Enforcement of judicial decisions under exclusive competence of courts and enforcement of foreign decisions”.

Purpose of this training was to provide the participants more extensive knowledge about the competencies of the enforcement body as per the Law No. 05/L-139 on Enforcement Procedure, as since the new law entered into force besides the court competence to permit and apply enforcement there are also private enforcement agents who apply this procedure.

Focus of this training elaborated the exclusive competence of courts in contested procedure and in cases that are related to family law, labor disputes, as well as deciding about legal remedies filed against decisions for enforcement issued by the private enforcement agents.

Also, it was discussed about the international legal cooperation in practice between different local and international judicial institutions for eliminating practical dilemmas for recognition of judgements issued by courts or bodies of other states, if these judgments shall be acknowledged having in mind the fact of difference between laws, or lack of reciprocity with respective states.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and legal associates of basic instance. 

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