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Economic Principles of the Commercial Law

On 09 September 2015, within the Continuous Training Program, and in cooperation with CLE-USAID, KJI organized training on: “Economic Principles of the Commercial Law”.

The purpose ofthis trainingwas to introduce thelatesttrendsandeconomicdevelopmentswhich affectindirectlyin obtaining a professional courtdecisiononcommercial disputestowards resolvingcommercial disputesefficiently.

The training focused onanalyzing the legal frameworkthatregulates this area, with particular emphasison Law on Business Organizations and Foreign Investment. As partof this trainingwas alsodiscussed the role ofcommercial lawin the promotion ofeconomicdevelopment, bilateralinvestmentagreementsandreferral ofdisputestointernationalarbitration.

The training was conductedthrough discussionsin were judgeshad the opportunity to share their experienceson the aforementioned topics.

Beneficiaries ofthis trainingwere judges ofcivilfieldfromthe SupremeCourt, judgesof the Court ofAppeal-EconomicDepartmentandjudgesfrom the Basic CourtPristina-Economic andAdministrativeDepartment.

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