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Workshop with KJI trainers for implementation of training during October-December 2015

On 21-22 September 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute with the support of UNDP, conducted a workshop with KJI trainers for implementation of training agenda for the period of October-December 2015”.

The purpose of this training was for the trainers to draft training agendas where they are engaged as trainers and to fill out the training application forms of Training implementation Plan, along with other issues related to training implementation plan for the period of October-December 2015.

Initially the workshop elaborated training manual, in terms of updating the content and rules contained in this manual, with the purpose of its proper implementation during the preparation of training courses organized by KJI. The next phase of the workshop focused on drafting agendas and filling out forms for the implementation of trainings, in which case trainees were divided into working groups, depending on their involvement in specific training.

In addition, the trainers also were coordinated for trainings that will be covered in co-teaching and materials which will be presented during the training.

Participants in this workshop were KJI trainers who are assigned to hold trainings during the October-December 2015

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